25 Apr 2022
Green Marine have recently completed installation & subsequent removal operations of AWS’s Waveswing wave energy converter (WEC) at EMEC’s Scapa Flow test site.
All marine operations covering foundation transportation & installation, loadout of the 50te WEC, tow to site & mooring / umbilical connection were performed by Green Marine’s experienced personnel from the Green Isle Multi-Cat plus GM’s support vessels. Once on site, a stern mooring was utilised to provide enhanced station keeping whilst the rocksteady connector was deployed in the subsea locking mechanism. Once the mooring system was connected, AWS’s WEC winched itself below the sea surface to its installation depth.
Minimising operational costs and hence reliance on other contractors during all phases was a key consideration for Green Marine from the very outset when planning these operations for AWS. Using installation aids to assist the operations, Green Marine has now demonstrated it can install or recover the WEC in a single day from its Multi-Cat, the Green Isle without the involvement of dive or ROV contractors.