28 Aug 2018
Green Marine was in involved in the successful operation to re-float MV Priscilla after the cargo ship had run aground on the Pentland Skerries approximately 5nm north east of Duncansby Head. Green Marine’s vessel the “Green Isle” was the first vessel on scene within 1.5hrs of the Priscilla grounding and attempted to refloat the vessel, however it was evident that with a falling tide some of the cargo would need removed.
A Salvage Control Unit (SCU) was set up and immediately set about removing cargo and fuel from the vessel. Once this was completed and the vessel was lighter it was a matter of waiting for favourable tidal conditions to attempt to move her.
This was a joint effort and involved a few different companies and a number of vessels working closely together in order to complete the re-floating task safely and promptly. The final operation to refloat the Priscilla was carried out successfully with the Green Isle and Multratug 20 as can be seen on the aerial image.
Jason Schofield stated “the careful and quick decisive planning along with a collaborative approach was testament to the success of this operation which avoided a potential environmental disaster”.
MV Priscilla Salvage
MV Priscilla Salvage